~~NOTOC~~ ====== Notes on Control Systems ====== * [[https://github.com/EOLab-HSRW/CI_W.09_Control_Engineering|Git Repo]] * [[.:Glossary:start]] ===== Phil's Lab - Control System Design ===== | {{youtube>xDoq7Fcy8-s?}} | | Introduction - Control System Design 1/6 - Phil's Lab #7 | | {{youtube>5Z3KAKs-EZs?}} | | Z-Transform - Practical Applications - Phil's Lab #27 | | {{youtube>zOByx3Izf5U?}} | | PID Controller Implementation in Software - Phil's Lab #6 | ===== Brian Douglas at Matlab ===== | {{youtube>XJRW6jamUHk?}} | | Understanding the Z-Transform | | {{youtube>7Gl4kJUjp4c?}} | | Understanding the Z-Plane | ===== Brian Douglas ===== | {{youtube>rL_1oWrOplk?}} | | Discrete control #2: Discretize! \\ Going from continuous to discrete domain | ===== Yongmoo Kim ===== | {{youtube>xIN5Mnj_MAk?}} | | Applied DSP No. 9: The z-Domain and Parametric Filter Design | ===== Melda Ulusoy / Matlab ===== | {{youtube>8U0xiOkDcmw?}} | | Understanding Model Predictive Control | ===== Aleksandar Haber ===== | {{youtube>8BHMsKXlRq0?}} | | Model Predictive Control from Scratch: Derivation and Python Implementation-Optimal Control Tutorial |