====== X2Go Configuration ======
X2Go is an open source remote desktop software for Linux that uses a modified NX 3 protocol. X2Go gives remote access to a Linux system's graphical user interface.
===== Hardware Setup =====
{{:workshops:nvidia_jetson:xavier_nx:setup_remote_desktop.jpg?nolink&600|(Insert image here)
Be sure to connect the following peripherals:
* Mouse
* Keyboard
* Screen (using an HDMI cable)
* Power Plug (of course)
Turn on the Jetson Xavier NX by pressing the **POWER** button.
Depending on the configuration at the time of installing the operating system, a login screen will appear, or it will automatically log in and skip this.
Once the operating system is ready open the terminal by pressing the key combination **''Ctrl + Alt + T''**, or use the applications menu and search for //Terminal//.
===== Installing X2Go =====
Make sure all packages are up to date by running the command.
sudo apt-get update
Install X2Go by running.
sudo apt install x2goserver
You need the IP address of the system to know it, type in the terminal.
If you will use the remote connection via wifi look for the **wlan0** section and the sequence of numbers after the text **inet**, for example **inet**. In case of using it by ethernet look for the **eth0** section, or by usb **usb0**.
This **IP address** and the previously configured **password** will be the necessary data to perform the remote connection.
===== Remote Connection =====
On the remote computer it is necessary to install an X2Go client, for that download the appropriate one for your operating system from this [[https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:installation:x2goclient|link]].
After downloading and installing the client, search in your applications for the program called **X2Go Client** and open it.
At the top left click on the icon to create a new session, and fill in the box with the necessary information, such as the IP of the Jetson board, a name to identify the session, the user name of the Jetson (in this case ''xavier'') and select the LXDE desktop environment, then click OK.
In the right pane select the session you have just created.
Insert the user password of the Jetson board and press Ok.
Finally you will get a window with the LXDE graphical environment.
Ready! now we can call graphical windows using X2Go.
> **IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure that the Jetson and the remote computer are connected to the same network, otherwise it will not work.**