Table of Contents

Scientific Python

Python Numpy Tutorial (with Jupyter and Colab)

This great interactive Python Numpy Tutorial
is part of the Stanford class CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

The course is also provided on in interactive Google Colab session.

Think Python

My favorite book on introduction to Python. Printed version published by O'Reilly, pdf officially downloadable from here:

The Scipy Lectures

H. P. Langtangen: "A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python"

Hans Petter Langtangen has written two excellent books on Scientific Programming with Python. The one I use in my courses is A primer on Scientific Programming with Python, which is also available in the university library.

UPDATE: Hans Petter passed away on Oct. 10, 2016 at 54 because of cancer.
This makes me very sad. I would have loved to meet him once.

All his web pages at University Oslo have been removed.

Slides from INF1100 Lectures (H. P. Langtangen) Sept. - Nov. 2011


Just install Anaconda3 Python distribution.

Simon Funke: "Higher Level Programming"

Simon Funke <simon at>, UiO (University of Oslo), Simula Research Lab

:!: The great teaching material on “Higher Level Programming” can be found on

“The lecture was initially created by Hans Petter Langtangen and extended by Joakim Sundnes, Ola Skavhaug, Jonathan Feinberg, Karl-Erik Holter, Vidar Tonaas Fauske, Benjamin Ragan-Kelley and Simon Funke. It is being taught on a yearly basis at University of Oslo under the name INF3331/INF4331.” (Cited from the Github repo)