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Own Comparison of Video Conference Systems


For our training courses and even for lectures in smaller groups below 40 participants I would like to use a video conference system. A comprehensive list is provided on Wikipedia

Together with my students I would like to test and evaluate a few platforms under real conditions.
My current preferences (2020-04-16) ordered by my personal priority:

VC System Remarks Tested with small groups
(approx. 3-7)
Tested with large groups
(approx. 20 - 40)
First Results
1 Jitsi Meet Open source, we run it on our own server.
I (rb) want to go for this solution to gain max control of performance.
yes no Works well.
2 Youtube Streaming Not a VC system, just one video stream from presenter to audience. Interaction via textual Youtube chat, only. no no
3 Cisco WebEx Officially supported by HSRW yes no Works well.
4 MS Skype yes no Works well.
5 MS Teams no no
6 Zoom Currently not an option because of its sloppy privacy no no
bbtt/distedu/vc/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/16 18:21 by admin