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Table of Contents
Arduino Sources
Official Arduino Website
Adafruit Tutorials by Simon Monk: Learn Arduino!
Adafruit Industries is an open-source hardware company based in New York City. It was founded by Limor Fried in 2005. The company designs, manufactures and sells a number of electronics products, electronics components, tools and accessories. It also produces a number of learning resources, including live and recorded videos related to electronics, technology, and programming. Wikipedia
Mixed Tutorials, Books
Build-in Examples of the Arduino IDE: Learning by coding.
Arduino Programming Notebook by Brian Evans. I I especially like the appendix showing the interplay of hard- and software!
Arduino Programming Notebook by Brian Evans. I I especially like the appendix showing the interplay of hard- and software!
What is Arduino? by Sparkfun introduces some physical principles, too.
- Tutorials from the Arduino website. Confusing.
- List of Manuals and Curricula from the Arduino Playground
- Getting Started with Arduino, 2nd Edition by Massimo Banzi.
- Arduino Workshop by Geert Langereis, (pdf, pres.), TU Eindhoven
- Introduction to Arduino - A piece of cake! by Alan G. Smith, (pdf, book) Princeton University
- Introduction to Arduino Part 1 by creativeC0d3r (web)
- Microcontroller Programming Beginning with Arduino by Charlie Mooney, (pdf, pres.),
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)
ELEGOO Starter Kits
Other important sources
- sparkfun in general
- instructables in general
Interesting Boards and MCU
Some Libraries particularly interesting for the course:
Video Tutorials by MaxTech (in German)
Video Tutorials by
Special Topics
- Power down modes (power saving to increase battery life time): Interrupts:
- Remote control of power sockets with Arduino: - Arduino Logic Levels:
Arduino Timer Interrupts
Putting Arduino to Sleep Mode
Data Sheets
LM35 Temperature Sensor
LDR A 9060-09
Arduino UNO pinout
Possibly two types of breadboards:
Type 1: Continuous connection of long rows:
Type 2: Long rows are seperated:
Resistor Color Code
Logic Levels
Fig.: Logic levels, image from sparkfun learn (
supp/arduino/start.1657721660.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/13 14:14 by rolf