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Accelerometer MPU-6050 by Invensense / TDK

This MEMS device combines a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope.

On the official MPU-6050 website you find a link to the documentation including datasheet.

Some information is also provided in the Arduino Playground

The GY521 Module is a breakout board for the MPU-6050. It is also part of the Elegoo kit we are using in class.

Tutorial by DroneBot Workshop

The tutorial by Bill Jamshedji of DroneBot Workshop is an excellent point to start with. Bill is explaining how to build an electronic levelmeter based on the MPU-6050.

Bill Jamshedji, DroneBot Workshop
1. Tutorial
2. Video

Tutorial by Michael Schoeffler


1. Build

Follow the tutorial and build the device.


  1. The I2C bus is a serial bus for inter-IC communication (IC: integrated circuit). There are other busses such as SPI and 1Wire.
  2. The LED character display pins (several) are connected to an interface hardware which provides an I2C bus interface. You find such an interface in the cardbox I sent to you. It is a black PCB (printed circuit board) with 16 pins on one long side and 4 pins on a short side named GND, VCC, SDA, SCL. Use the second breadboard to connect display and I2C display interface.

2. Exercises on Git

I will push the second exercise sheet on Git. We have a problem with an expired certificate. Therefore I will push the repo elsewhere and let you know.

supp/sensors/mpu-6050.1623760467.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/15 12:34 by rolf