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Arduino Sources

Official Arduino Website

Adafruit Tutorials by Simon Monk: Learn Arduino!

Adafruit Industries is an open-source hardware company based in New York City. It was founded by Limor Fried in 2005. The company designs, manufactures and sells a number of electronics products, electronics components, tools and accessories. It also produces a number of learning resources, including live and recorded videos related to electronics, technology, and programming. Wikipedia

Mixed Tutorials, Books

  1. :!: Build-in Examples of the Arduino IDE: Learning by coding.
  2. :!: Arduino Programming Notebook by Brian Evans. I especially like the appendix showing the interplay of hard- and software!
  3. :!: What is Arduino? by Sparkfun introduces some physical principles, too.
  4. Tutorials from the Arduino website. Confusing.
  5. List of Manuals and Curricula from the Arduino Playground
  6. Arduino Workshop by Geert Langereis, (pdf, pres.), TU Eindhoven
  7. Introduction to Arduino - A piece of cake! by Alan G. Smith, (pdf, book) Princeton University
  8. Introduction to Arduino Part 1 by creativeC0d3r (web)
  9. Microcontroller Programming Beginning with Arduino by Charlie Mooney, (pdf, pres.),
    Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)

ELEGOO Starter Kits

Other important sources


Interesting Boards and MCU


Some Libraries particularly interesting for the course:

Video Tutorials by MaxTech (in German)

Video Tutorials by

Special Topics

Arduino Timer Interrupts

Putting Arduino to Sleep Mode

Data Sheets

LM35 Temperature Sensor

LDR A 9060-09


Arduino UNO pinout


Possibly two types of breadboards:

Type 1: Continuous connection of long rows:


Type 2: Long rows are seperated:

Resistor Color Code


Logic Levels

Fig.: Logic levels, image from sparkfun learn (

supp/arduino/start.1657721704.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/13 14:15 by rolf