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Teaching WIKI

Dr. Rolf Becker established this wiki in 2011 to support his teaching activities at the Rhine-Waal University and beyond.

Note to smartphone users: Consider to click on the sidebar pane above the page title to access most relevant topics faster.

Quand tu veux construire un bateau, ne commence pas par rassembler du bois, couper des planches et distribuer du travail, mais réveille au sein des hommes le désir de la mer grande et large.

When you want to build a ship, do not start by gathering wood, cutting boards and distribute work, but awaken in men the desire for the great and wide sea.

Attributed to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (unconfirmed)

General Semester Calendar WS2024/25

Class Schedules WS2024/25

Rolf Becker's Modules

# WS/SS Program Course ID old ID Abbrev. Title teawiki Moodle git
1 SS EE 8123 EE_2.03 Phy2 Physics: Thermodynamics, Radiation, Heat Transfer Phy2 8123
2 SS EE 8125 EE_2.06 SciProg Scientific Programming 8125
3 SS EE 8142 EE_4.03 AMC Applied Measurement and Control AMC 8142
4 SS ISE 8383 CI_W.11 Drones Drone Technology 8383
5 SS IECS 9562 M‐IE_CP.02 RTES Real-Time Embedded Systems 9562
6 WS EE 8115 EE_1.08_2 EEng Physics 1: Part Electrical Engineering EEng 8115 EEng
7 WS EE 8136 EE_3.07 Geodata Geodata Management Systems 8136 Geodata
8 WS IECS 9522 MIE_2.02 Geoinfo Geoinformatics 9522 Geoinfo
9 WS IECS 9542 MIE_EA.02 EMRP Environmental Monitoring Research Project 9542
10 WS ISE 8381 CTRL Control Systems 8381
11 WS IP Interdisciplinary Project IP

Module Catalogs

What I Want to Share with You

Why the figure below touches me:
All the iron in your blood was fused in Supernovae (exploding stars)!
All beings are Star born! You are Star born.


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start.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/03 18:28 by rolf